Cycling has preventive effects on almost all typical diseases of modern civilization like cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome,bone and joint diseases,osteoporosis, COPD etc. and at the same time it reduces green house gas and therefore reduces health risks for people in developing countries.
In recent years the World Health Organization has confirmed what large Danish and British investigations on cycling and health have already proofed. So WHO developed a health assesment tool:
Health economic assessment tool for cycling (HEAT for cycling)
But cycling means even more:
From my experiments in mobility, "Integrated Cycling" and ecological combination of various means of transportation I know that there are many ways to reduce greenhouse gas drastically.
You need certain skills and certain creativity to organize your life in a way that enables you to do most of your travelling without using the "climate-killers", namely conventional cars and planes.
In my presentations you get a scienific background on health, climate-change and sustainable development as well as a lot of practical hints from my long-time experience. You can then use them to improve your personal mobility and health or mobility management in your community towards a healthier, more sustainable and more climate-friendly way.